On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 3:57 PM,  <tr...@tekwissusa.com> wrote:
> Leading // are reduced to /, I consider this a bug as in that way it's not
> possible
> to access files sitting on a server, e.g
> fossil open //server/repo.fossil
> is not possible.

Have you tried:
   fossil open file://server/repo.fossil

> Also I'd REALLY like to extend the server acting on a directory full of
> repos.
> I'd like to be able to also handle repos in sub-directories.
> fossil clone http://server:8080/repo1
> fossil clone http://server:8080/subdir/repo2

If you setup a CGI script on your webserver, you can do what you ask.
There are instructions on the Fossil website.
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