On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 1:30 AM, Ross Berteig <r...@cheshireeng.com> wrote:

> At 04:17 PM 9/14/2011, Stephan Beal wrote:
> >Would this modification be acceptable in fossil? i know it's a
> >bit unconventional, but should be a fairly simple change to make
> >with no backwards compatibility concerns (because fossil doesn't
> >support multiple logins for one user right now).

i just this moment realized this change can't work as-is with fossil because
fossil uses the first part of the IP address in calculating the auth token
(and stores that IP prefix in the db). So my proposal would break the moment
you have a login from your mobile phone and your PC simultaneously.

> Chiming in from an end user perspective, I personally find it
> annoying that fossil does not allow multiple logins for a single
> ...love to see eliminated. I've toyed with the obvious work-around
> of creating a second user to log in from home, but that just
> feels wrong.

i agree.

> None of the major user web applications I use regularly (GMail
> and the Google family, FB, StackOverflow, Flickr) log me out from
> one computer just because I touched them from my Android phone or
> from another computer.

i believe (theorize) the reason for this limitation is to avoid cluttering
the db with an arbitrary number of stale login sessions. At least that's the
reason i implemented that way in my own app. But my app's approach doesn't
use the IP checking which fossil does, so i didn't have the problem
described above.

> Again, I'm writing this as a user, paying no attention to how
> difficult this would be to address under the hood.

i think if we got rid of (gasp!) the IP check we could easily implement
this, but i can't just take that part out without a blessing from the higher

----- stephan beal
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