> Advantages are that no state is stored in the database and multiple logins 
> are possible, with simpler code.[2] You can invalidate all logins by changing 
> the secret key, but can't invalidate individual sessions.
> But that would mean a logout on one client would log out all others, doesn't 
> it?
> Ignore that question, please. i didn't grasp the important words "no state is 
> stored..."

It's also possible to implement the variation of stateless HMAC scheme + 
current stateful "cookie value in database" scheme to allow "log out all 
sessions" functionality, like in Gmail.

1. Store some random bytes in database per user. This string will be a 
secret_key for HMAC.
2. Sign cookie values with HMAC(secret_key, value), where value is (login || ip 
|| expiration_time).
3. To logout one session, clear this cookie.
4. To logout all sessions, go to step 1 (replace secret_key in database with a 
new randomly generated one, thus invalidating all cookies).

Note: it's better to use double-HMAC as implemented in my authcookie package 
for Go language: https://github.com/dchest/authcookie [according to this paper: 

Dmitry Chestnykh

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