On 09/21/11 14:12, Ingo Koch wrote:
On 09/20/11 15:53, Martin S. Weber wrote:
On 09/20/11 19:20, Steve Bennett wrote:
It is the interface to fossil which is important.

Yep. That's where step #1 comes in - librarization of fossil. Luckily I'll
have time for that (at least rounding up an API suggestion) next week.

Please keep in mind that such an API should not only help implementing language
bindings for fossil but should also support tool makers.

Absolutely. Rest assured, I do:

On 09/20/11 15:00, Martin S. Weber wrote:
> Of course if you're an IDE person, you'll
> appreciate easier integration with, say, the behemothian eclipse, the
> leviathan netbeans, the Zizian IDEA or the all-encompassing emacs.

Sorry I forgot to mention the humongous VisualXXX ;)


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