On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 6:06 PM, Martin S. Weber <martin.we...@nist.gov> wrote:>
> As I've written earlier, I'd really like to see a list of all the commands
> and subcommands of tcl on one side, and all of the commands and subcommands
> of jim on the other side, and an indicator whether a) jim does not support
> If I wanted to come up with a design proposal (and I do want), the only
> choice I have is basically scavenge all unit tests of tcl and run them on
> jim, and say "c)" for each failure. And then compare the parts which aren't
> covered by that. I.e., a LOT of manual work. It sucks. Sigh.

Wouldn't it be more important to compare with Fossil's TH1?
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