On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 2:36 PM, Dmitry Chestnykh

> Visual Studio compiler doesn't do such thing, so wildcards are not expanded
> for binaries built on VS.
> Richard seem to have released 1.19 binary for Windows compiled with Visual
> Studio,  while 1.18
> has been compiled with MinGW.

The good part of that is that it shows that fossil builds under MSVC :).

PS: before someone says, "but can't we get wildcard expansion running in
MSVC as well?" here's a link to more info about it:


wordexp() part of POSIX, so there _might_ be a version of it available for
MSVC. That said, transforming wildcards to expanded CLI arguments is not a
straightforward as it sounds (been there, done^H^H^H^Htried that).
Complications include multi-word tokens (i.e. spaces, which hard-core Unix
users never do but Windows users do regularly) and un/escaping of the values
(e.g. who, at the API level, is responsible for escaping/unescaping) when
normalizing expanded words into internal argument lists.


----- stephan beal
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