On Sat, Oct 01, 2011 at 03:07:52PM +0200, Paul Ruizendaal wrote:
> > Maybe you could do some http-over-stdin/stdout, and speak json there. :)
> Isn't "fossil cgi" already doing that? A front-end could build the 
> appropriate environment variables and fork/exec "fossil cgi", feeding the 
> post body to fossil's stdin.
> Actually, I was thinking that http/json was a more modern and universal API 
> for doing a fossil lib than an API based on a long list of C functions and 
> structs. 

Well, I don't agree with that. :)
Libs and RPCs have each their own place in the software world.

I still can remember how one I had to deal with a (so-called) 'library', that
consisted of two single functions, that had a single "char *" parameter, that
had to contain a big xml defining what to do. Now I can laugh about that.
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