Take a look to protocol buffers. The implementation is not restricted only
to java, c++, python. Other people are adding more languages... this gives
you kind of  "portability"


On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 11:19 AM, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 4:47 PM, Erlis Vidal <er...@erlisvidal.com> wrote:
>> Do you know about "protocol buffers". I'm asking because I didn't know
>> about them since recently.
>> http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2008/07/protocol-buffers-googles-data.html
> Never heard of them. Thanks for the link :).
>>  Could this help in order to allow binaries and improve the serialization
>> performance?
> No idea just yet :). But i will take a look at that.
> One thing to remember is that JSON != JavaScript, meaning that if we
> include ANY algorithms for binary data, ALL clients which want to use
> fossil/json HAVE to implement those algorithms. e.g. if we decide on base64,
> ALL client languages have to support it if they want to use those features
> of the API. Because of this, i would like to stick "non-formatted" data
> where possible, falling back to non-JSON-specified algos only when
> absolutely necessary.
> My current thinking on binary is that it "probably should" be encoded the
> same way one encodes binary in sqlite: X'aabbccdd', i.e. a simple list of
> hex value pairs. The down-side is that it literally doubles the size, which
> means that those fossil users which version-control 500MB files (which is
> insane, IMO, but people do it) will have a memory cost of approximately 3x
> that file's size when turning the artifact into JSON (1x for the original
> copy and 2x for the X'...' encoding, and possibly even more for the
> underlying sqlite statement to/from that data). Try to commit a 2GB file and
> you can't - your machine (or the remote fossil server) will die with an OOM
> error. The up-side is that en/decoding it is absolutely trivial - even an
> absolute beginner could figure out how to encode/decode it and it can be
> done in any language which supports binary data (e.g. NOT in shell code, but
> in JS/Python/Perl/PHP/Java, etc).
> --
> ----- stephan beal
> http://wanderinghorse.net/home/stephan/
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