On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 5:59 PM, Konstantin Khomoutov <
flatw...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:

> Last time I checked GPB was implemented in the form of a C++ library.

Many C++ APIs can be used from C code, actually, as long as their C++-only
functionality can be hidden behind an intermediary C-style API.

> I think this is a no-go for Fossil.
> I suspect that BSON would be easier to use for this case.

There was a HUGE (50+ message) thread on this on the JSON list a couple
weeks back. As far as binary JSON goes, i like where this is going:
But i'm still a long way from having to worry about that type of stuff right
now. Once all of the text-mode features work (including checking in
non-binary content) i'll try to tackle the binary problem. JSON does not
have a mechanism for binary, so any solution either needs to circumvent JSON
(e.g. using non-json HTTP requests) or introduce an encoding mechanism
(which immediately rules out any client languages which cannot/do not have
such algos).

The available C implementation (from MongoDB) is licensed under Apache
> License, Version 2.0 so I'm not sure about direct inclusion, but the
> spec itself appears to be not so complicated so probably it can be just
> implemented specifically for Fossil.
>From what i've read about these so far, they're about the binary encoding of
JSON values/trees, not the encoding of arbitrary binary data IN JSON (which
is what we would need to support binary-using operations). bson also extends
JSON with its own types, which is something i would much rather avoid
(portability). At this moment google's protocol buffers look like a
reasonable middle-ground.

i do have ideas on how to solve "the too-large blob" problem, by taking the
data via multiple chunks (this is how gmail sends attachments) and buffering
them in a new table for a while (until the request completes or they expire
and are cleaned up). But... i'm still a long way from having to tackle that
problem (it is the absolutely last feature on my TODO list, and my TODO list
is about as long my hair [1]).

Another idea would be to reference binary data via URLs rather than
transport them directly. e.g. a JSON-mode file checkout might return a URL
which will directly pull that file (in raw form) from the repository, and
then the client could fetch it using a binary-capable mechanism (wget for a
shell client and a URLConnection in Java).

Diffs and whatnot are a whole other problem altogether, because there are no
clients other than fossil itself which handles fossil-format diffs. So those
are also way, way down the list on the list of (potential) TODOs.

[1] = with only a slight tilt of my head, i could[2] wipe my behind with it.
[2] = but i don't!

----- stephan beal
fossil-users mailing list

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