On 11/13/11 12:39, ST wrote:
> 3) as far as I understand if one accidentally starts fossil
> server/fossil ui - it will provide insecure access to the repository
> even if one had configured inetd/stunnel/fossil to use SSL, right? Is
> there a way to avoid such situations and force fossil to always use SSL?

   Depending on the situation, it may be relevant to note that "fossil
ui" only listens on localhost.

   "fossil server" does not currently support SSL, though if there's
interest in this, I can look into it.

   (For completeness, I mention setting up Fossil as a cgi application
using apache, because you can fine-tune access to the repository using
client certificate rules).

> 4) what happens if one autosync/pull/push from a remote repository, does
> it also expose the local repository as in 3) ?

   I don't quite understand what you're asking -- are you asking if
sync/pull/push temporarily starts a server? If that's the case, then the
answer is no.

Kind regards,
Jan Danielsson

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