On Sun, 2011-11-13 at 16:14 +0100, Jan Danielsson wrote:
> On 11/13/11 12:39, ST wrote:
> > 3) as far as I understand if one accidentally starts fossil
> > server/fossil ui - it will provide insecure access to the repository
> > even if one had configured inetd/stunnel/fossil to use SSL, right? Is
> > there a way to avoid such situations and force fossil to always use SSL?
>    Depending on the situation, it may be relevant to note that "fossil
> ui" only listens on localhost.

So there is no chance that somebody from another IP will be able to
access the repository, even if he has valid user login/password, right?

>    "fossil server" does not currently support SSL, though if there's
> interest in this, I can look into it.

yes, there is. Thank you in advance! Should I open a feature request?
(if yes where can I do it?)
>    (For completeness, I mention setting up Fossil as a cgi application
> using apache, because you can fine-tune access to the repository using
> client certificate rules).

Let's assume I did it. What happens when I accidentally start fossil
server on a port different from that of apache? It will provide access
to the repository without SSL, so neither apache nor stunnel do not help
in such situation, correct?

> > 4) what happens if one autosync/pull/push from a remote repository, does
> > it also expose the local repository as in 3) ?
>    I don't quite understand what you're asking -- are you asking if
> sync/pull/push temporarily starts a server? If that's the case, then the
> answer is no.
yes, that's what I meant :)

Thank you,

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