On Fri, Feb 03, 2012 at 10:25:41AM -0500, Richard Hipp wrote:
> For some time now, the SQLite and Fossil websites have been running on the
> "retro-sbsdiff" branch of Fossil.  The retro-sbsdiff branch uses a vastly
> simplified format for the side-by-side diffs that omits all of the colors
> and decoration and provides plain-text output - essentially the same output
> as you would get on the command-line using the -y flag.  Example:
>    http://www.sqlite.org/src/info/21695c3476
> I find the "retro" side-by-side diff to be much more readable, which is why
> I am using it on the SQLite and Fossil websites, as well as on my desktop.
> And I've heard no complaints from users about the retro sbsdiffs on the
> website. But before I merge the retro-sbsdiff branch into trunk (and hence
> purge the existing colorful sbs diff from the trunk) I thought I would as
> for community feedback.  Are there strong preferences one way or another?


I like how it looks. I also liked the colourful, but with tuned colours (I'm a
bit used to 'meld' and its colours, for hard diffs). I definitely prefer this
retro sbs over the colourful. I don't know if the option can be given simply as
CSS styles, though. Emitting some (html tags allowing for colourful sbs is

Apart, one feature I'd like a lot is to have sbs diffs with the *option not to 
lines*. That's usally a nice option that sbs diffs can give over unified diffs:
full context.

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