On Wed, Jul 04, 2012 at 10:18:10AM +0200, Ramon Ribó wrote:
> No. I mean that every list would have a different table schema with
> different fields.

Ah, then I don't understand what would be the advantage of different tables,
over a single table with all the fields required.


> 2012/7/4 Lluís Batlle i Rossell <vi...@viric.name>:
> > On Wed, Jul 04, 2012 at 10:00:52AM +0200, Ramon Ribó wrote:
> >> An interesting new capability for fossil could be the following:
> >>
> >> That it allowed to have more than one tickets list, with different
> >> tables and reports in every list. This could have several advantages:
> >>
> >> 1- Keep a completely separated list for bugs and for new features, for 
> >> example
> >>
> >> 2- Use fossil as a tool or library for other apps in order to access a
> >> dabatase with tables with full history and with easy syncronization.
> >> This is something that sqlite does not offer by itself
> >
> > I think this can be achieved simply allowing multiple "new ticket" pages,
> > instead of only one. Different new ticket pages could set a table field to
> > specific values, and then multiple reports could filter one or another.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Lluís.
> >
> >> 2012/7/3 Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com>:
> >> > Hi, all!
> >> >
> >> > About 5 minutes ago i got home from the all-day meeting with list members
> >> > Richard (DRH), Bernie, and Gary (what are the odds - the meeting is in
> >> > Germany and 3 of us 4 carry American passports), and now i've got a small
> >> > hill of notes scribbled on the back of business cards and yellow sticky
> >> > notes...
> >> >
> >> > Wow, what a day.
> >> >
> >> > We didn't actually get around to hacking. Rather, we had an 11-hour 
> >> > series
> >> > of discussions, starting off with an introduction to Fossil (for the 
> >> > benefit
> >> > of colleagues of mine who dropped in and as a practice run for DRH's
> >> > presentation this coming Sunday at a TCL conference). We discussed areas 
> >> > for
> >> > improvement and came up with some cool new TODOs, none of which either 
> >> > he or
> >> > i will get a chance to work on anytime soon :/.
> >> >
> >> > Some of the ideas we tossed around as TODOs include 
> >> > (@Bernie/Gary/Richard:
> >> > please ammend if i have left something out):
> >> >
> >> > - Mozilla's RTF editor as a wysiwyg wiki (possibly embedded docs?) 
> >> > editor.
> >> > We looked closely at this and it this will not be nearly as much work as 
> >> > i
> >> > first anticipated, but we will have to munge the output just a tiny bit 
> >> > to
> >> > suit or needs.
> >> >
> >> > - Adding more metadata to wikis, e.g. a title field. We might embed this
> >> > into the wiki content using a new wiki tag or similar. We will have to
> >> > enable the "style" attribute on tags in the wiki content (style is 
> >> > currently
> >> > filtered out by the wiki out of safety concerns), and if anyone can name 
> >> > a
> >> > concrete security reason why that would be a Bad Idea, please speak up!
> >> >
> >> > - We might (might!) use jQuery simplify the client-side implementations.
> >> > This would include a new config option which specifies whether an 
> >> > embedded
> >> > copy of jquery should be served or a copy from e.g. a Google CDN (offline
> >> > usage requires an embedded copy).
> >> >
> >> > - Adding a system for integrating "custom pages" to fossil repos, e.g.
> >> > /myCustomPage, which would call content stored in the db. The original 
> >> > idea
> >> > was to use this as a new layout mechanism for the site, but we think that
> >> > this could possibly be used to reimplement some of the current "static"
> >> > pages . Part of this would include a templating mechanism. The pages 
> >> > could
> >> > have security restrictions and could be flagged as syncable/clonable (or
> >> > not) by the site admin (only admin users would be able to create/edit 
> >> > such
> >> > pages). A logical extension of this would be to build up snippets/widgets
> >> > which users can use to customize their pages (e.g. embedding a 
> >> > mini-timeline
> >> > overview in their home page).
> >> >
> >> > - The JSON API already provides a good deal of what some of the above 
> >> > would
> >> > need, and it might become activated by default. Before this happens, a 
> >> > full
> >> > audit of the code is necessary, as well as stress tests to check for 
> >> > memory
> >> > mishandling and whatnot (a "fuzzer" test - i learned a new word today).
> >> >
> >> > - "External repositories" (a-la SVN or git modules) came up once or 
> >> > twice,
> >> > but we didn't actually discuss adding it to fossil. i'd like to throw it 
> >> > out
> >> > there as a potential TODO, though. In short, this allows one to "embed"
> >> > external repos as subdirs of one's own repo, and is normally used to 
> >> > pull in
> >> > 3rd-party code upon which an app depends. A local pull would also pull
> >> > x-repos, but they would not participate in push (that might be the next
> >> > step, of course).
> >> >
> >> > - Fossil timeline graph in CLI mode (like git). Several other git-like
> >> > features came up but i do not recall what they were :/. (@self: remember 
> >> > to
> >> > put DRH in touch with your libgit2 contact.)
> >> >
> >> > In the 11 hours we discussed a great deal, and there was certainly more 
> >> > that
> >> > i missed altogether or didn't manage to jot down, and i would ask the 
> >> > other
> >> > attendees to extend the above if i've left anything interesting out.
> >> >
> >> > @non-attendees: i intentionally left some of the above quite vague to 
> >> > try to
> >> > spark your imaginations. Some of the topics we discussed in some detail,
> >> > including potential implementation strategies, but rather than describe 
> >> > that
> >> > i'd like to hear what ideas others can derive from the descriptions 
> >> > above.
> >> >
> >> > i unfortunately failed to take any pictures except one of the 
> >> > whiteboard. :/
> >> >
> >> > We would love to hear your thoughts/elaborations on the above ideas.
> >> >
> >> > Happy Hacking!
> >> >
> >> > PS: Please pardon my brevity and typing mistakes - i'm on a tablet.
> >> >
> >> >
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