Short on time, just a few terse comments.

* Stephan Beal <> [20120703 21:37]:
> - Mozilla's RTF editor as a wysiwyg wiki (possibly embedded docs?) editor.
> We looked closely at this and it this will not be nearly as much work as i
> first anticipated, but we will have to munge the output just a tiny bit to
> suit or needs.

Sounds great, as long as it is not a requirement (either in fossil nor
in the client). I guess the wiki markup issue is a done deal then?

> - Adding more metadata to wikis, e.g. a title field. We might embed this
> into the wiki content using a new wiki tag or similar.

This would be great if it enabled keyword based tagging for later

> We will have to enable the "style" attribute on tags in the wiki
> content (style is currently filtered out by the wiki out of safety
> concerns), and if anyone can name a concrete security reason why that
> would be a Bad Idea, please speak up!

This sounds like a wide open door for XSS attacks.

> - Adding a system for integrating "custom pages" to fossil repos, e.g.
> /myCustomPage, which would call content stored in the db. The original idea
> was to use this as a new layout mechanism for the site, but we think that
> this could possibly be used to reimplement some of the current "static"
> pages . Part of this would include a templating mechanism. The pages could
> have security restrictions and could be flagged as syncable/clonable (or
> not) by the site admin (only admin users would be able to create/edit such
> pages). A logical extension of this would be to build up snippets/widgets
> which users can use to customize their pages (e.g. embedding a
> mini-timeline overview in their home page).

I smell AOLServer...

keep up the good work
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