On 03/12/12 17:58, Richard Hipp wrote:

What information are you looking for in a ChangeLog that you do not get
from the Fossil timeline?  Especially a timeline with explicit from= and
to= endpoint, for example:


Maybe none at all. The graphic representation of the timeline in the web interface is really awesome, especially the explicit handling of branching/merging.

However, it's obviously not that users cannot get to see that information. It's about the information being available as a separate item/file, so you can send it around without having to send the entire repository with it.

The FSF format because it is a (de facto) standard.

Finally, while we mention the timeline, I do experience a difficulty with it that I find disturbing:

In the web-browser view, newlines are stripped/disregarded from the commit messages so that everything seems to be one long sentence. (the edit-mode shows that they have been preserved, it's just the timeline view of them).

Is there something that I simply did wrong?
Is this a limitation of the timeline view?
... ?

Greetings (and thanks for the achievement thus far!)


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