Chad Perrin wrote:
> zsh: sports metaphor not found

Sorry, I was attempting to inject some humor into this discussion because
it has grown very tedious.

> HDDs also suffer wear and tear during I/O operations, and new SSDs easily
> last long enough that, relative to HDDs, this should no longer be any
> kind of problem.  In fact, the major problem is not that SSDs have a
> limited number of writes; so do HDDs.  The "problem" is that you can know
> in advance how many you have, while with HDDs it's a roll of the dice.

My original point of doing (potentially several GB of) superfluous file I/O
still stands.

> It's not just bikeshedding if it's a matter of actual tool usability.

Funny, I've been using Fossil for years and this usability "problem" has
never bothered me.  In fact, quite the opposite.

> . . . which works great for new users!  Oh, wait, no it doesn't.

There is always a learning curve for new users, however slight.

> I've read them all.  It was easy.

I didn't want to read them all.

> Because *you* never really interact with the rest of the world, the fact
> the rest of us do is irrelevant, I guess.  It's all about you.

I'm growing increasingly tired of your attempts to insult me.

> Your lack of experience with those other systems does not in any way
> invalidate the question.

I never stated that I lack experience with those other systems; however,
I use them only very rarely.

Joe Mistachkin

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