On Mon, Jan 07, 2013 at 11:49:52AM +0100, Gilles wrote:

> I just ran the following two commands:
> fossil add ./MyVBNetProject
> fossil commit -m "Original files"
> ... and fossil complains with:
> "./MyVBNetProject/WindowsApplication1/WindowsApplication1.suo contains
> binary data.  commit anyhow (a=all/y/N)?"
> My global ignore-glob contains: "*.exe,*.pdb,*.vb~*,*/bin/*,*/obj/*"
> I assume there are VB.Net developers using Fossil: Do you know if it's
> safe to ignore the .suo file?
> Generally speaking, is my ignore-glob OK for VB.Net?

Yes, it's safe.
Basically, the only set of files really needed for maintaining a .NET
project by the Microsoft IDE are those containing XML in them.
The `msbuild` tool which does actual heavy lifting consumes files ending
in '*.proj' (or '*.csproj' or '*.vbproj' or whatever), plus there is a
top-level XML file which represents "the solution" and its settings, and
references those "project files" consumed by msbuild.

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