On Mon, Jan 07, 2013 at 12:32:43PM +0100, Gilles wrote:

> >Yes, it's safe.
> >Basically, the only set of files really needed for maintaining a .NET
> >project by the Microsoft IDE are those containing XML in them.
> >The `msbuild` tool which does actual heavy lifting consumes files ending
> >in '*.proj' (or '*.csproj' or '*.vbproj' or whatever), plus there is a
> >top-level XML file which represents "the solution" and its settings, and
> >references those "project files" consumed by msbuild.
> Thanks for the feedback. So I'll commit the following files from VB
> Express and ignore the rest:
> *.sln
> *.resx
> *.user
> *.vb
> *.vbproj
> *.settings
> *.myapp

Seems to be OK, but note that those .user and .settings file are not
really a part of the "solution's core" (I'm not sure I ever saw a .myapp
file so have nothing to say on this).  What I mean, is that it might be
useful to keep these files in the repository, but if you will eventually
decide to ship a tarball of your source code (if it's a F/OSS project),
then you will probably want to strip those files out.
Note that there were tools to do exactly this.  Can't recall any name at
the moment, but I'm sure it's googleable.

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