
        I have a couple of questions about artifact ID's and how to compare
two revisions of a file:

1. Am I correct in understanding that any commit creates...
- one artifact ID for the commit
- one artifact ID for each new revision of a file
... which explains why "fossil finfo myfile.c" displays two artifact

C:\Projects>fossil finfo "myfile.c"
History of myfile.c
2012-11-25 [ad6f12df62] New version (user: Joe,
           artifact: [dc79071933], branch: trunk)
2012-11-25 [53ff5087e3] Original file (user: Joe,
           artifact: [54dff7fa29], branch: trunk)

In the output above, are "53ff5087e3" and "ad6f12df62" the artifact ID
of the whole commit this file was part of, while "54dff7fa29" and
"dc79071933" are the artifact ID of the two revisions of this
particular file?

2. For a given file, what is the easiest way to compare two revisions
in the repository?

Using the example above, I tried this but it doesn't work:

> fossil gdiff --from 54dff7fa29 --to dc79071933
fossil: no such checkin: 54dff7fa29

Next I tried the first artifact ID:
fossil gdiff --from 53ff5087e3 --to ad6f12df62

This works, but it seems to go through all the files that were part of
each commit.

How can I get gdiff (WinMerge) to compare two revisions, usually the
last and before-last revisions?

Thank you.

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