On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Stefan Bellon <sbel...@sbellon.de> wrote:

> Is subversion equally frowned upon? If not, what about:
>   fossil diff --from PREV --to HEAD myfile.c

Fossil already does this, with the exception that "PREV" is called "prev"
or "previous" and "HEAD" is called "current".

   fossil diff --from prev --to current myfile.c

When you say --to current, that means use the version of the file that is
checked in.  If you omit the --to current, that means use the version of
the file as editted in the check-out.

In place of "prev" and "current" you can also use "tip" to mean the latest
check-in.  Or you can put the name of any branch, and that means the latest
check-in on that branch.  Or you can do things like "branch:2012-09-16" to
mean the latest checkin on "branch" on or before 2012-09-16 00:00:00.  See
http://www.fossil-scm.org/fossil/doc/trunk/www/checkin_names.wiki for
additional information and for more examples.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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