On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:48 AM, Timothy Beyer <bey...@fastmail.net> wrote:

> At Thu, 28 Mar 2013 20:52:59 -0400,
> James Turner wrote:
> >
> > After a couple weeks of debate, I've decided to shut down Chiselapp.com.
> I think that the Fossil project should aim to have at least one official
> host
> to replace chiselapp.

Yes, I suppose there really ought to be a hosting service for Fossil
someplace....  So I'm exploring the option of setting up a new one.

The first decision is (1) whether to use James' Flint code base or (2)
write my own.  Those who know me recognize that I would tend toward (2).
(Were it not for this tendency, Fossil and SQLite might not exist, after

Suppose I did write my own hosting system.  What is is required for that.
(James, you have the most experience with this question, so your input is
especially encouraged!)

  (1)  Some means for people to create accounts
  (2)  Some means for people to upload Fossil repositories to hosted
  (3)  Per-account bandwidth tracking?
  (4)  Require advertising (example http://system.data.sqlite.org/) for
unpaid accounts?
  (5)  Require unpaid accounts to be open-source?
  (6)  Some mechanism to accept payment for private or add-free accounts?
  (7)  Procedures to deal with DMCA takedown requests?

What else is needed?  James, what are your bandwidth, cpu, and disk space
requirements?  (You can send me that via private email if you prefer.)

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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