On Mar 29, 2013, at 15:34 , Richard Hipp wrote:

>> Yes, I suppose there really ought to be a hosting service for Fossil
>> someplace....  So I'm exploring the option of setting up a new one.
> What if we were to extend Fossil itself so that it was capable of hosting
> multiple projects after the fashion of chiselapp?

This was my way to see the future of Fossil some time ago.
See the self-register feature, the only one for which my motivation sufficed...
I pretty much loved to think of Fossil as "Github in a box".
But it always was not enough Github in it to be sufficient.

I agree that user and repository management is important.
As are some quality of life things, like default ticket configuration and 
markdown support.
But what Fossil really lacks for the open source world is the fork/pull request 
Without it it will rest confined to the smaller/better organized teams.
Thus it will not need a hosting service that much.

Just my $0.02.

Kind regards,
Remigiusz Modrzejewski

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