On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 3:57 PM, Andy Bradford <amb-fos...@bradfords.org>wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to  configure a secure fossil hosted  repository using fossil
> http.

> My current iteration is using tcpserver (inetd replacement) and stunnel.
> Stunnel's configuration is:
> cert = ./test.pem
> exec = /tmp/fossil-src-20130618210923/fossil
> execargs = fossil http /tmp/test.fossil
> foreground = yes
> syslog = no

Dunno if your problems are a Fossil bug or not.  Please do note, however,
that you can access Fossil itself over https (https://www.fossil-scm.org/)
and the Fossil website is just a running instance of Fossil, so setting up
Fossil to serve HTTPS can certainly be done.

For https://www.fossil-scm.org/ we use stunnel, but the setup is a little
different from yours.  Note that www.fossil-scm.org and www.sqlite.org are
the same server (same IP address - the two are distinguished using the HOST
parameter in the HTTP header).  Stunnel4 is running in server mode.  The
relevant lines are:

accept  = www.sqlite.org:443
TIMEOUTclose = 0
exec = /usr/bin/althttpd
execargs = /usr/bin/althttpd -logfile /logs/http.log -root /home/www -user
www-data -https 1

The "althttpd" binary is a webserver implementation that you can pick up at
(http://www.sqlite.org/docsrc/finfo?name=misc/althttpd.c).  Fossil is run
as a CGI script named "index.html" in the root directory of the website
directory hierarchy.

Your output examples indicate that you are running an older version of
Fossil.  Have you tried using the latest trunk version of Fossil to see if
that helps any?

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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