Thus said Francis Daly on Sat, 29 Jun 2013 21:41:59 +0100:

[I  thought  I had  already  responded  to you  but  I  cannot find  the
response. So if  this is a repeat,  I apologize. This does  appear to be
the problem.]

> This says  "run fossil http, and  it should assume that  any generated
> self-links should be to http:// urls".
> Add "--https" for generated self-links to be to https:// urls.

Bingo! I was missing --https (how  I skipped that in favor of --baseurl,
I don't know).

But using --https has corrected the problem! Thanks.

> Can you show the invalid Location header that it is sending?

It was  sending http://https://fossil but this  is correct behavior---my
manual testing  was flawed. I had  forgotten that the Host:  header does
not take a URL, but a hostname.

> --baseurl does have its uses, but  I suspect that "--https" may be all
> you need to get over the first hurdle.

And you are right! I don't suspect there will be additional hurdles from
fossil at this point. I've been using  it locally and like what it does,
but now  I wanted  to venture  out into setting  up a  remote repository
using SSH keys or SSL certificates.

TAI64 timestamp: 4000000051cf4ce8

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