Oh, perhaps useful: viewing the timeline on host S using the
web-interface (pointing to host S) at step (5) (or after step (6), not
sure) showed the commit I was expecting to see.

On 18 August 2013 17:20, Michai Ramakers <m.ramak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm probably doing somethng strange, but has anyone ever seen this behaviour:
> 1) on host S: clone project from host S (http://S/my_repo)
> 2) on host C: clone project from host S (http://S/my_repo)
> 3) on host C: do some work, and commit changes
> 4) on host S, 'fossil up'
> 5) on host S: 'fossil timeline' doesn't show the recent commit
> 6) on host S: 'fossil pull' doesn't show the commit either in 'fossil 
> timeline'
> 7) on host C: do more work, and commit changes
> 8) on host 'S': 'fossil up'; now all recent commits are seen
> Perhaps relevant info:
> - autosync=1 on both sides
> - host 'S' serves a bunch of fossils through fossil using cgi-mode, from inetd
> - both hosts running a recent NetBSD; host 'S' is amd64, host 'C' is i386
> - fossil version on host C: 1.26 [3ca6979514] 2013-07-23 18:57:25 UTC
> - fossil version on host S: 1.25 [a6dad6508c] 2013-06-14 07:19:58 UTC
> I can't reproduce this, but if someone has ideas to try the next time
> this happens I'd be happy to try. I can rebuild fossil on one or both
> hosts, but I have the feeling this is something very basic.
> Related question: I typically use 'fossil up', and never 'fossil sync'
> (or pull/push) in my workflow, working on 2 hosts on the same project
> - should I?
> Michai
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