On Fri, 13 Dec 2013 13:37:40 -0500
David Mason <dma...@ryerson.ca> wrote:

> I am really looking forward to the release that includes the proper
> ssh remote repositories.
> I can build it for my environment, but I am teaching a course in
> January and I want the students to submit assignments using their own
> repositories (and encourage them to use fossil (and SCMs in general),
> and they use Windows and Linux, so it would be much easier if I could
> simply point them at the fossil-scm.org site!
> (If anyone's interested in the details, I'm going to set up accounts
> that can only run fossil, and give them each their own fossil with
> them, me, and the TA having access to the repository.  Then they can
> do/submit assignments and the TA or I can mark them, leaving
> annotation files, mark files, etc.)
> I love everything I've seen about fossil, but have been waiting for
> this before using it in production.

I don't use fossil through ssh, but a sshfs may do what you want. See 

Don't know if works on MS-Windows.

> Thanks   ../Dave
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