On 13 December 2013 16:15, Andy Bradford
<amb-sendok-1389561340.dnoncohnjbcljmjie...@bradfords.org> wrote:
> By  the way,  there  is one  caveat that  was  recently introduced  that
> affects  how a  shared SSH  account works.  When cloning,  the URL
> user  becomes the primary fossil user in the checkout.

I was just looking for when the code in trunk would make it to
downloads for Mac/Windows/Linus.  The server is running Mac OS X.

> Just  out of  curiosity,  how do  you  intend on  using  fossil in  this
> particular environment?  Will you  simply setup a  fossil file  that has
> correct Unix permissions  to permit the sharing of the  file between the
> student and TAs? Or were you planning on aggregating all the files
> under one  user  account (perhaps  fossil)  and  then cloning  the
> individual repositories using -A to override the local fossil user?

The latter, one fossil account, with ssh keys triggering the fossil id
- work for which I believe you can take  much of the credit.

Thanks to all of you working on this!

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