On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 12:09 PM, Stephan Beal <sgb...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> My point being: at least some small percentage of round-trip timestamp
> conversions will fail because Julian Days to not have a 1-to-1 mapping for
> all millisecond-level ranges in use today.

Yes, though perhaps Fossil could store the Date (and Author) headers
from git exactly, for reconstruction of git repos from Fossil.

>> I'm guessing there will be other minor differences in, for example,
>> merge commits, but first things first...
> ANY difference results in a different hash, so the email change is enough
> (regardless of all my blather about timestamp precision changes).

I'm aware.

> FWIW: Fossil was never intended to be a round-trip safety hatch for other
> SCMs which aren't as data-robust. Maybe convince the git developers to move
> their metadata into sqlite instead?

Being able to round-trip this way might allow more users to test-drive Fossil.

Getting radical architectural changes to git accepted seems likely to
be impossible.  I'd rather convince the Fossil developers/community to
support the git features we need:

 - workflows that use rebase (not on public branches, of course),
including interactive rebasing
 - the git index, including git add -e/-p
 - by default only push the branch that's checked out

Since Fossils can cherry-pick, rebase shouldn't be difficult.  We'd
not mind if rebase always results in a new branch being created, for

BTW, even non-power users can make powerful use of the git index.
I've been using SourceTree on OS X lately to teach a novice how to use
git, and SourceTree's interface to the index is shockingly
straightforward, easy to understand, and easy to use.  I'd expected
that a GUI just would not be able to provide a decent git add -e/-p
interface, but SourceTree delightfully surprised me.

Things my colleagues and I are used to:

 - the index, of course
 - workflows with feature branches and clean history at integration
into master time, preserving interesting history (e.g., bug fixes for
cherry-picking onto maintenance release branches, feature-related
commits) but not uninteresting commits (fix intra-feature branch
history typos/bugs)
 - workflows with distributed and hierarchical teams
 - merge-heavy workflows with multiple remote repos and trunks
(different product vendors collaborating and competing using an
originally common codebase)

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