Stephan Beal <> writes:

> 0.02$ never really understood why people feel they need private branches. A
> little public humility once in a while helps make us better developers 

First of all some code is simply too explorative by nature when one
experiments with some new things and it might not bring much value to the
whole project, so why should one keep it around?

Second, DVCS are used for non-coding projects as well - e.g, writing -
where rewriting is very common thing where things are very often simply
discarded, so I do not see why not being able to simply trash it?

In other DVCS-es like Git it's very easy to create/dispose branches, so
there is, naturally no need for private branches.

Iow, in my use-case it's not at all about possible public
humiliation - if there won't be private branches in Fossil, one could
simply create separate Fossil repo, explore new ideas and then simply
integrate it into 'official' repo, so the issue is to dispose something
one does not  want/need to keep around (almost) forever;)


As the ignorant perform their duties with attachment to results, 
the learned may similarly act, but without attachment, for the 
sake of leading people on the right path.

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