Ron W <> writes:

> As best I can determine from a description of "hg bundle", a patch file
> provides similar functionality.

I believe it's more...darcs has it, same with bzr & is the
ability to create 'bundle' which contains appropriate context of the
patch so that it's easy to send it e.g. vie email and apply without
creating conflicts.

Git also has such feature, but nowadays I see that most of the projects
prefer Github fork, applying one's patch by rebasing over master and
then creating pull requests.

Whatever, the point is to enable occasional contributors to the project
not having commit access to easily create patch to be clean applied to
the trunk.

Having just plain patch is, Imho, not enough, since often it can take
time since the patch creation, review etc. and the time it should be
applied on the trunk.

> Even when a contribution is pulled by a core developer, the
> contributor needs to have used a uniquely named branch.

For this case I believe the project needs to establish some naming
policy for branch naming.

> With a patch file (or series of patch files), the differences can be
> applied to a checkout of the appropriate commit then the changes reviewed.

Yeah, but the point to being able to apply them cleanly.

> To be honest, for accepting contributions from outside the core team, I
> would clone my repository, then pull the contribution into the clone. That
> way, any side effects of the pull would be easier to contain.

I believe it's quite common for open-source projects...that's why we are
now bombarded with 'Fork on Github' banners on so many wev sites.

> But, I have never had contributions from outside the core team of any of
> the projects I've worked on, so I can't yet say what would work best for me.

I would not try to re-invent the wheel and simply take a look at
darcs/bzr/hg/git (not sure about mtn) which have ability to prepare
'patch' with appropriate context to be sent via email and applied

One who is able to withdraw his senses from sense objects, 
as the tortoise draws its limbs within the shell, 
is firmly fixed in perfect consciousness.

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