Thus said Jan Nijtmans on Thu, 17 Jul 2014 23:29:44 +0200:

> This  was  discussed in  sept  '13  on  the fossil-dev  mailing  list,
> title "Fossil  sync problem: attachments to  tickets". Below Richard's
> explanation. Good  that my memory is  not that bad yet,  I wouldn't be
> able to find this out by myself.

I wonder if this is at all  related to the other sync problems that have
been brought up in the past. If you didn't read my email, I specifically
mentioned  private files  that get  converted to  public as  a potential
culprit  although  I  was  not  aware  of  any  content  that  could  be
transitioned from private to public until you mentioned attachments:

I also asked the question about  private content becoming public (at the
time  I didn't  know it  was  even possible)  and  it seems  for now  at
least  there is  one  type of  private content  that  can become  public
(attachments)---(if I understand your comments correctly).

I wonder if these missing attachment artifacts are part of a cluster? If
they are not, are  they part of a manifest that  gets parsed and inserts
known UUIDs  of the private attachments  into the phantom table;  and is
this manifest  UUID in the  cluster artifacts  anywhere? If so,  then it
probably  won't matter  if they  are not  in clusters,  but it  would be
interesting to know.

Guess I'll have  to add looking at how private  attachments and clusters
work to my TODO.

Thanks for sharing---likely unrelated, but worth bringing up I think.

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