On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 8:13 PM, Nico Williams <n...@cryptonector.com>

> Sure, a JSON representation of the same data would be more portable in
> some sense, but either way you have a standard representation of


[stephan@host:~/cvs/fossil/cwal/s2]$ f json timeline checkin -n 1 -I 2
        "comment":"s2sh now prefers getenv(\"S2SH_INIT_SCRIPT\") over
$0.s2, but will use the latter if the former is not set.",



with the libfossil script bindings, you've got complete db access and
conversion from that to JSON is built in to the language:

[stephan@host:~/cvs/fossil/libfossil/s2]$ ./s2sh -v
verbose: Auto-loading script [./s2sh.s2].
s2 interactive shell.

s2> var f =Fossil.Context.new();
result: Context@0x904a50[scope=#1@0x7fff77f593c8 ref#=1] ==>

s2> f.openCheckout()
result: Context@0x904a50[scope=#1@0x7fff77f593c8 ref#=1] ==>
s2> f.db.selectObject("select * from event order by mtime DESC limit 1")
result: object@0x937d50[scope=#1@0x7fff77f593c8 ref#=0] ==> {
  "omtime": 2456867.202998,
  "brief": null,
  "comment": "s2: minor tweaks to the CGI bits, added
Fossil.file.pushd/popd() to s2sh.s2. Fixed (with valgrinds help) stale
native pointers to fsl_db instances left around by a missing piece in the
Fossil.Context cleanup.",
  "ecomment": null,
  "user": "stephan",
  "euser": null,
  "bgcolor": null,
  "uid": null,
  "tagid": null,
  "objid": 5919,
  "mtime": 2456867.202998,
  "type": "ci"

(lol... that particular commit fixed a nasty bug in that very db binding.)

> SQL is declarative, jq is functional.  There's a pattern there :)

s2> f.db.each({sql:'select uid, login from user',
callback:proc(){1===rowNumber && print(columnNames); print(this)}})
["uid", "login"]
[2, "anonymous"]
[9, "apotheon"]
[7, "bch"]
[4, "developer"]
[6, "drh"]
[8, "jan.nijtmans"]
[3, "nobody"]
[5, "reader"]
[1, "stephan"]
result: Db@0x9273a0[scope=#1@0x7fff77f593c8 ref#=1] ==> Db@0x9273a0


----- stephan beal
"Freedom is sloppy. But since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of
those who insist on a perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby Wolf
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