On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Eric Rubin-Smith <eas....@gmail.com>

> By 'code review' here I mean a web-based tool that has a formalized state
> machine for (a) uploading code deltas (b) filing and fixing defects against
> the uploaded code and (c) having the right set of people sign off.  Like
> Code Collaborator.  I guess JIRA has an integrated tool that is free for
> small teams too.  Whatever.  It just needs to eventually support reviewing
> every line of code that gets written, in case we decide to go in that
> direction.

I am familiar with with 2 code review tools that are web based.

Reviewboard is pretty much exactly what you describe. It is written in
Python and comes with a set of scripts for importing diffs from various
VCSs. One of those scripts would need to be copied and modified to support

The other is Kiln (from Fog Creek). It is actually a front-end for Hg. I
mention it because Fossil already provides some of the functionality Kiln
adds to Hg. Kiln's code review capability requires that change sets be
committed to branches. It displays diffs and accepts comments from

Fossil already can display diffs in a suitable form via its web UI. Review
comments could be supported with Fossil tickets, using some combination of
custom fields, TH1 and JavaScript.

My team does use Fossil tickets for code reviews. We have not done what I
just described above. We just append any review comments to the ticket
requesting the review. This works for us.

>  * Export of tickets.

The only ticket export format my team uses, well, the Project Manager uses,
is  CSV to put the tickets into spreadsheets, since (a) that is what higher
level managers want reports in. And (b) the PM finds it easier to use
spreadsheets during meetings.

>  * Code review!
>  (3) Are there clever work-flows using native fossil features that more
> closely resemble proper code review tools than the sort of bad one that I
> sketched above?

I don't know if what I described that my team does for code reviews meets
your needs, but it works for us.
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