Hello, Andy. For what it's worth, I am an amateur musician, so I have some
appreciation of what you are trying to do. I also use Linux. (my "day job"
is software development, so a good RCS is important to me)

On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 11:59 AM, Andy Goth <andrew.m.g...@gmail.com> wrote:

> One thing that is very "un-RCS"-like that I'm trying to do is reorder
> commits.

For searching/reporting purposes, Fossil allows defining SQL queries. You
could add your own tags to commits to label them with the dates you want,
then SQL for searching and ordering. It won't change the order of the
commits, just the listing order.

Unfortunately, the time line view does not support custom SQL queries.

(Though, once you get your backlog in Fossil (or other RCS), and get used
to using a RCS, you are less likely to need re-ordering.)

Otherwise, as best I know, the closest you could get with any RCS would be
to place the commits into their own branches, including the "defined" date
as part of the branch name.

> To show that I'm paying attention, how about I use the "Why Fossil" list
> as a guide...
> Bug tracking and Wiki: Don't care much. I would like to mark what I do
> like or don't like about a revision, I do listen to tracks and notice
> things I need to fix and that could be nice, but my music is, generally
> speaking, not open to the public and won't be a collaborative effort.

Commit comments do allow wiki mark up, so can provide some formatting and
can easily link to wiki items.

Tickets don't have to be limited to bugs. They can be a useful way to
manage "to do" or other items for follow up.

> Web interface: useful to me for "at a glance" stuff, very handy.
> Autosync: not sure about how this relates to forking and merging for a
> singular project, probably more useful for collaborations. That said, I
> would love if something watched my filesystem and uploaded every new
> save of a project and popped a dialog asking me what's new in the latest
> save, including it as a commit comment or whatever.

You mentioned a laptop and a desktop, so you seem to have multiple PCs you
use. Autosync will help you keep your project files up to date on all your

> Self-contained: attractive but not necessary. I run linux and I'm not
> afraid of compiling and installing something. But being able to move
> everything around easily is helpful.

Autosync will help with moving project files between PCs.

> Being able to poke at revisions
> from the filesystem rather than from the web interface is valuable just
> in case the RCS is not functional for some reason.

The Fossil command line is always available as long as the file containing
the actual repository is accessible. Each PC would have its own copy of
that file, so the only things you won't have when the Fossil server isn't
running are autosync and the web UI.

> Simple Networking: Useful, don't need to worry about dialup, tethering
> off my phone is as fast as shitty DSL in a worst-case scenario.

This really means that geting Fossil one PC to talk to a Fossil server on
another PC is relatively easy.

> CGI-enabled: reading the description, I don't know that I care if things
> are centralised or decentralised, I plan to use my desktop as a master
> host for repositories, but having a slave backing up the repos somewhere
> would be nice.

"CGI-enabled" just means you can put a "real" webserver (like Apache, Enjin
or Lighttp) in front of Fossil.

Fossil doesn't need this and can function as a web server. The Fossil
website is running on Fossil.

> I see the thing about "Events". would that be useful for, say, an "album
> release"? is that what people use for releases of a specific version of
> their software?

Events are just a type of wiki page where the page name is a date/time
instead of a name. They could be useful for documenting a release, but I
usually have a ticket for a release, so I just include links to release
documents in the tickets (or in the commits) that correspond to releases.

Another use for Events would be to keep an ongoing log of notes in
chronological order. But I usually have tickets, so I just put such notes
in the ticket comments.

I don't think Fossil is any less suitable for your needs than any other
RCS. I like Fossil for the "low hassle" factor.
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