Hi all,

I've noticed an unexecpected behaviour in fossil when doing a clone. The
issue appears when you try clone with a wrong user name and as the result
an empty repo is created. I'd rather expect an error on the console and
nothing else.

The thing is fully reproducible with the latest windows binaries (see
below, when asked just type any random password). Even more unexpectedly
you can try doing this on http://myfakeu...@www.fossil-scm.org/

I'm not sure why failing to login to fossil-scm still clones the repo or
why failing to my repo creates an empty repo. Is this by design?


> fossil clone http://myfakeu...@egenome-fossil.cloudapp.net/e-Genome
password for MyFakeUser: ******
remember password (Y/n)? n
Round-trips: 2   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
Error: login failed
password for MyFakeUser: *****
remember password (Y/n)? n
Round-trips: 3   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
Error: login failed
Round-trips: 3   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
Clone finished with 907 bytes sent, 865 bytes received
Rebuilding repository meta-data...
  100.0% complete...
project-id: 0f5ea9d3c8bb48d8de1f1075b62026a6c7538d1e
admin-user: MyFakeUser (password is "6af0d9")
> dir
04/10/2014  06:39            58,368 repo.fossil
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