On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 1:34 PM, Andy Bradford <amb-fos...@bradfords.org>

> Thus said Stephan Beal on Mon, 06 Oct 2014 20:25:55 +0200:
> > The  autosync  option  provides  (incidentally,  not  specifically  by
> > design) a feature one doesn't have if it is turned off: the ability to
> > abort a commit within a small (and unknown/varying) time frame.
> <joke>
> Perhaps there should be a  known and variable configuration setting that
> gives you that brief amount of time on purpose? ;-)
> fossil commit-wait-interval 5
> Will wait for 5 seconds before actually attempting to commit anything.
> </joke>

My first year of college I took a fortran (I mean FORTRAN) class. Our lab
was hosted on big heavy terminals connected to a mainframe. In any case,
the newbie "friendly" system had a triple prompt any time you tried to
delete a file from your workspace:

1. "Delete filename (y/n)?"
2. "Are you sure you want to delete filename (y/n)?"
3. "Last chance! Are you really sure you want to delete filename (y/n)?"

Naturally, muscle memory kicks in before long and you get used to hitting D
Y Y Y in quick succession to delete a file. Which I did once. I blamed
myself for not thinking it through. And later as a TA for the class I dealt
with a few students who had the same problem. Students were more apt to
blame me (even though there was nothing I could have done about it). :)

Anyway... yeah. Not all safety systems are very safe. :)

Scott Robison
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