On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Ron W <ronw.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> More research...

Needing a break from dump file processing, I decided to look in to how a
mirror could be kept up to date.

I previously mentioned using a commit monitor, so I looked to see how one
SVN repo could mirror another. I found svnsync. It's basically a SVN client
that talks to 2 repos, fetching from one and committing to the other.

This gave me an idea for an alternate way to import from SVN to Fossil:

Implement the Fossil importer as a post commit hook to a SVN repo and use
svnsync to drive it.

Basically, as the target SVN repo received each commit, the post commit
hook would run. Since the repo server provides the hook with a list of
affected files, it could update an associated working space, then do a
"fossil commit" with the list of files and any options needed to provide
the commit metadata.

Although this sounds like a "Rube Goldberg way" of doing it, it might
actually be easier to get working.

Also, because svnrdump (unlike svnadmin dump) only creates "delta dumps",
it's the easiest way to keep the mirror up to date. (Almost easiest. If the
main SVN repo's post commit hook sent a message with the file list and
commit metadata, the extra SVN repo would not be needed.)
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