That's pretty much what I figured... I'll have to dig in and
understand cards (and maybe "sit down" again w/ you and just generally
chat) -- but I expect to see a linear relationship. My intuition tells
me one ought to be able to pop-and-delete back to "origin" -- of
*course* if a repo has been replicated, a re-sync will (ought to)
re-populate... which is fine and good.

I guess the details would be:

1) how complex is the structure/relation that needs to be popped to do
the operation as cleanly as possible

2) how much cheat room is allowed during the course of this
development whereby perhaps a single card/obj could be deleted, and
the "dangling" bits would be culled w/ a [f rebuild] ?

3) I can't think of anything else...


On 10/28/14, Stephan Beal <> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 7:05 PM, B Harder <> wrote:
>> Are references "backward", "forward", or both ? What I mean is,
>> roughly, is fossil a doubly linked list, or singly, and if single,
>> what direction?
> In this case it's like a stack and you could only delete from the top (and
> then the next top, ad nauseum...). You can't remove a link from the middle
> of the list without invalidating hashes.
> --
> ----- stephan beal
> "Freedom is sloppy. But since tyranny's the only guaranteed byproduct of
> those who insist on a perfect world, freedom will have to do." -- Bigby
> Wolf
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