On Feb 18, 2015 11:47 PM, "Warren Young" <w...@etr-usa.com> wrote:
> On Feb 18, 2015, at 11:04 PM, Andy Bradford <amb-fos...@bradfords.org>
> >
> > I prefer monospaced fonts for most things  that I do with text.
> We have hundreds of years of evidence that it is easier to read prose in
a proportional font than in a monospace font.  It’s been studied to death.
> However, not everything is prose, and there are special cases where prose
should be in a monospace font regardless.
> One such place, which I hope gets fixed while all this attention is being
given to the stock skins is to make the wiki composition textbox monospace,
at least if you’ve chosen Markdown formatting.  Formatting a Markdown table
with proportional fonts is a minor nightmare.
> Here are some screenshots for those who haven’t already recognized the
problem, perhaps by past experience with ASCII art wreckage in email or
Usenet postings:
>   http://imgur.com/zKtnLVA,xlAs1gS
> The first screenshot shows a table that is properly formatted in a
monospace font when viewed in my browser’s choice of proportional font.
The second shows my doomed attempt to fix this.
> Both render the same way because Fossil currently doesn’t care if the
pipe characters are aligned.

> Yes, I know, I can fix this in my skin CSS.  In fact, I’m going to do
that right now.

For 99.9% of fossil users (myself included) "fix in css" means "never fix".
Some things look better with characters aligned, some things are easier to
work with characters aligned. Code: monospace, wiki editing: monospace, hex
keys: monospace. I hope the fossil devs  favor easy to edit vs. pretty in
the default configuration when it comes to fonts.

> What I’m proposing here is that the code that currently emits
class=“wikiedit” be changed to something that reflects the document
language, so that different CSS can be applied for the different cases.  I
propose class=“wikiedit markdown”.
> I’ve gone with a 2-class solution instead of something like
class=“mdedit” for backwards compatibility with existing customized skin
CSS.  This works on all major browsers going back many years, and on IE
going back to…wait for it…IE7, because IE6 is B-R-O-K-E-N.
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