On 3/11/15, David Mason <dma...@ryerson.ca> wrote:
> I have several students who, through some problem while cloning the
> fossil I created for them, created a parallel timeline. (see
> screenshot)

Fossil is suppose to be bullet-proof.  I'd really like to know what
your students did in order to get the repository into this shape.  Can
you recreate the problem so that we can fix it and prevent a

Can you send me the repository file (via private email to
d...@sqlite.org) so that I can try to diagnose the underlying problem?

> I want to merge them, but fossil merge says there's no head to merge.
> The commits by the student are on the right and are not tagged as
> trunk, but tagging them as such doesn't seem to help.  Using
> --baseline in merge didn't help either.

I was about to suggest using --baseline.  What is the exact
command-sequence that you used?  And how do you know it didn't work -
did it give an error?

> Any help to merge these timeline much appreciated.
> ../Dave

D. Richard Hipp
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