On 3/11/15, David Mason <dma...@ryerson.ca> wrote:
> As for what they did, it was a while ago that they set them up.  There
> was a problem that the students on Linux (typically ubuntu) didn't see
> the stuff I had created for them (default .fossil-settings and
> assignment directories), which sounds a lot like this problem.  I
> guess they were never working on trunk.  Perhaps if i'd told them to
> "fossil update trunk" it would have worked.
> The problem was that the version of fossil that apt-get used was
> version 1.27 (I think... maybe 1.29) and I created the fossils with
> 1.30[a507dc7cf5] (and use 1.30[cf49528e5c] to look at them).  This is
> the resource page I point them at:
> http://cps506.sarg.ryerson.ca/Resources/fossil.html

The first visible student check-in is 198f28add5.  The manifest for
that check-in shows that its parent check-in is
a09a968bf05a50058f3ad50132730b719bc39e76.  But artifiact
a09a968bf05a50058f3ad50132730b719bc39e76 is not a check-in, it is a
content file.  That means that the 198f28add5 check-in manifest is

I do not know how that came to be....

Brainstorming...  Maybe something like this occurred:

   (1)  Copy the original repository file into xyz.fossil
   (2)  run "fossil open xyz.fossil"
   (3)  Copy a revised version of the repository over top of xyz.fossil
   (4)  run "fossil commit"

Copying over a repository with a new version, as is done in step (3),
should not be done while there are open check-outs.  One should
"fossil close" first, then overwrite the repo, then "fossil open"
again.  That is something we do not check right now - maybe we should.
It never occurred to me that somebody might overwrite a repository
that was in use with a different repository.  Is the scenario above a

D. Richard Hipp
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