On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 4:30 PM, Scott Robison <sc...@casaderobison.com>
> Some thoughts:
> More seriously, the Wikipedia article on forking is probably worth a read:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fork_(software_development)
> I would claim that github is the odd man out here, having appropriated a
> term that historically meant something undesirable and changing it into an
> intended desirable part of the software development process.

Certainly, Github's use of "fork" is different that saying "Devuan" is a
fork of "Debian".

As to whether a fork is undesirable depends on point of view. I am
willfully ignorant regarding the Debian people's opinions of Devuan. I
will, however, admit that I think the Inkscape fork of Sodapodi benefited

> Accidental head or accidental branch don't seem to apply if for no other
> reason a fork *can* be deliberate. That's not the norm but --allow-fork
> does exist as an option for those cases when fossil can detect a fork will
> happen but to allow it anyway. I suspect most people don't type
> --allow-fork accidentally (when they type it at all). :)

In my experience, a "fork" results when I or one of my teammates forgets to
start a new branch. So, from our perspective, "accidental" is very
applicable. Even with "fossil forks", such an undistinguished "branch"
would be easy to loose track of. I would not want to create a "fork".

> So, if we *must* have a unique term, I'd vote for twig as I've never heard
> it used in a dvcs context and can't find such a reference via Google. Mind
> you, if we started using twig there is nothing to stop github (or others)
> from coming along and appropriating the terminology, so we could wind up
> right back in this position seven years down the road.

I'm not saying _must_. I only want to point out that it could be a
non-trivial obstacle to adoption for Fossil for some people.
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