On Sat, Apr 18, 2015, at 09:53 AM, Richard Hipp wrote:
> [...]
> The problem arises when the second user does not notice, or chooses to
> ignore, this message and the situational awareness within the
> organization is such that nobody notices the fork plainly displayed on
> the timeline.  The check-in on the fork gets overlooked and fails to
> make it into the next release.
> [...]

I started this particuar thread, and I have been following it although I
must admit it has felt mired in technical detail and various
philosophical discussions.  I think Matt Welland's earlier email (right
before your email, Richard) sums up my reaction pretty well -- Fossil's
behavior is not in line with what most "normal" users expect, and these
users aren't able to get around it even when the team's Fossil champion
concentrates on the issue.  That's the reality.  However I do realize
the technical awkwardness of potential solutions so all this discussion
(confusing to me as it may be) indicates the solution isn't "easy."

Perhaps we could tackle the issue from a workflow perspective rather
than a technical one.  I know the SQLite team makes copious use of
checklists in their development process and I wonder if that concept
would be useful here.  What are we supposed to do when one of these
forks appears?  What human process gets triggered when a fork exists? 
At minimum, someone needs to evaluate whether the fork is the desired
state and take appropriate action.  It's a human problem before it's a
technical problem and can't necessarily be solved via technical means.

Richard, perhaps you have a suggestion on this?

Also -- I'm not sure the "two forks" state (i.e. the state of the
repository after two forks have been committed) is totally obvious. 
Perhaps a template variable to alert you of this state in some way might
be useful, then people could just put it in their TH1 templates.
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