Thus said Ron W on Thu, 16 Apr 2015 21:04:12 -0400:

> I disagree. While  it might be the most common  case, merging does not
> explicitly  state any  intent beyond  the  merge itself,  even a  full
> merge.

After one has merged a fork, does ``fossil merge'' report that there are
any more forks to be merged on  the branch? If not, then does not Fossil
intend that it is no longer a fork?

> After all, a merge doesn't automatically  close a named branch. So why
> would a merge automatically make a "fork" not a fork?

As I tried to point out earlier,  ``close'' is a special term in Fossil.
The only time  a branch is ``closed''  is if it has a  ``closed'' tag on
it. Merging  the branch  does not  ``close'' the branch.  It is  still a
branch because  new commits against its  leaf are still allowed.  If you
merge a  fork, commits against  it are no  longer allowed, at  least not
without another --allow-fork (or an accident).

Neither does merging a fork ``close'' the fork, but it is it no longer a
fork by virtue of the fact that  it has been merged into itself. To make
it a  fork again,  one would have  to commit against  the node  that was

One can have a fork on a non-trunk branch too:

> Closing it  or making it the  start of a new,  named branch explicitly
> indicate an intent to remove "fork" status.

Why does merging not removes ``fork'' status?

If it  hasn't changed  status, why  would ``fossil  merge'' cease  to to
think that there is a fork to merge. ``fossil help merge'' says:

``If the  VERSION argument is  omitted, then  Fossil attempts to  find a
recent fork on the current branch to merge.''

For Fossil to attempt to find a  recent fork, must it not have a working
definition of just what a fork is first?

Notice also  that Fossil does  not label a fork  that has been  merged a

But a  branch that  has been merged  is still considered  a leaf  (or in
other words  an active named  fork) because  the ``closed'' tag  has not
been imposed  upon it.  Once ``closed''  the branch  will be  a ``closed

So clearly Fossil does treat a ``fork leaf'' differently from a ``branch

Oddly enough, I'm not sure if this is a bug... but if I update to:

``fossil  update''  does  not   complaing  about  there  being  multiple
descendants. However, ``fossil merge'' actually does merge in the Closed
leaf that  is part of  the fork. Not sure  if this is  actually intended
behavior,  but  it does  seem  that  ``fossil  merge'' treats  the  fork
differently than ``fossil update'' does.

Thanks for the interesting discussion.  Definitely good to flesh out the
definitions we're using.


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