Thus said Jan Nijtmans on Sun, 19 Apr 2015 21:10:25 +0200:

> Explanation:  the  current  code  in "sync-forkwarn"  doesn't  do  the
> fork-check at  the end  of the  sync, it does  it at  the end  of each
> round-trip.

I've altered  the change and now  it will only  check at the end  of the
complete sync. Also, it only warns if  it encounters a fork that has not
previously been seen (ignoring any  additional checkins on a fork unless
they also are new forks).

I think this  will minimize fork warning fatigue that  is an outstanding

By the  way, I'm not  sure if  this is a  bug (because we're  not really
cloning as  we normally would), but  while testing using your  method of
creating an empty repository, altering  the project-code and pulling the
Fossil repository,  after the  pull is complete,  while no  warnings are
issued, ``fossil forks'' actually reports forks.

The difference in  time for such a big sync  remains negligible, perhaps
even improved  results from when you  tested (I suspect the  faster time
for the [64b221aacf] below was due to network causes):

$ ./fossil version
This is fossil version 1.32 [64b221aacf] 2015-04-23 00:35:34 UTC
$ ./fossil new z.fossil
$ printf "UPDATE config SET value = 'CE59BB9F186226D80E49D1FA2DB29F935CCA0333' 
WHERE name = 'project-code';\nDELETE FROM blob;\nDELETE FROM event;\nDELETE 
FROM unclustered;\nDELETE FROM tagxref;\nDELETE FROM rcvfrom;\nDELETE FROM 
leaf;\n" | ./fossil sql -R z.fossil
$ time ./fossil pull -R z.fossil
Round-trips: 270   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 30708
Pull done, sent: 851133  received: 19754467  ip:

real    3m54.302s
user    0m49.110s
sys     0m3.743s

$ fossil version
This is fossil version 1.32 [92be5246f8] 2015-04-20 07:20:05 UTC
$ fossil new z.fossil
$ printf "UPDATE config SET value = 'CE59BB9F186226D80E49D1FA2DB29F935CCA0333' 
WHERE name = 'project-code';\nDELETE FROM blob;\nDELETE FROM event;\nDELETE 
FROM unclustered;\nDELETE FROM tagxref;\nDELETE FROM rcvfrom;\nDELETE FROM 
leaf;\n" | fossil sql -R z.fossil
$ time fossil pull -R z.fossil
Round-trips: 270   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 30708
Pull done, sent: 851139  received: 19754477  ip:

real    4m2.294s
user    0m40.539s
sys     0m3.552s

I  don't think  the problem  is with  ``fossil forks''  however, because
after running ``fossil rebuild'' on z.fossil, ``fossil forks'' correctly
reports that there  are no forks. So it seems  that for whatever reason,
running ``fossil pull'' the  way we are for the test  results in not all
nodes being properly  designated in the tables. This  behavior exists in
trunk as well.

$ ./fossil forks -R z.fossil 
   (1) 2015-02-24 06:40:00 [8c3e6404b0] Let -x imply --emptydirs and
       --dotfiles (user: jan.nijtmans tags: cleanX-no-clean-glob)
   (2) 2013-06-21 09:27:19 [dfb47a2a2e] rebase (user: jan.nijtmans tags:
   (3) 2013-06-19 07:14:13 [cbf9660369] rebase (user: jan.nijtmans tags:
   (4) 2013-04-03 07:36:05 [6159a7f281] rebase (user: jan.nijtmans tags:
   (5) 2013-04-02 09:31:26 [bdd9790484] merge trunk (user: jan.nijtmans tags:
$ ./fossil rebuild z.fossil 
  100.0% complete...
$ ./fossil forks -R z.fossil 

TAI64 timestamp: 4000000055385013

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