On Nov 19, 2015, at 12:51 PM, Scott Doctor <sc...@scottdoctor.com> wrote:
> I am looking for information about the theory of VCS that is being used for 
> systems such as Fossil, Git... Not so much the how-to-use, but the concepts 
> and issues.

Hmmm.  VCSes are pretty strongly on the practical side of software development, 
so I’m not sure that the ivory tower types have done a lot of formal study of 
them.  You frequently hear of new CS grads showing up at their first job having 
never used any VCS.

Still, some digging in the ACM Digital Library turned up these papers, which 
look to be the sort of thing you’re after:


I rejected a bunch of hits along the lines of “why use a VCS” or analyses of 
the practice and customs associated with a particular VCS, because you’ve 
already drunk the kool-aid and don’t seem to be interested in anthropology.
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