On 11/19/15, Scott Doctor <sc...@scottdoctor.com> wrote:
> I am looking for information about the theory of VCS that is
> being used for systems such as Fossil, Git... Not so much the
> how-to-use, but the concepts and issues.
> Any suggestions of either links to something like wikipedia
> pages or a well written book I can find at the university library.

I'm working on a list of (a) problems that VCS solves for me and/or
(b) capabilities that VCS provides for me.  This is what I have so

(1) The ability to exactly reproduce any historical version of the project.

(2) Provide an audit trail for all changes - the ability to trace
every byte of the project back to the date and time when it was first
entered, together with a description of why it was entered.

(2a) Security - the ability to detect unauthorized changes to the project

(3) Disconnected operation - the ability to continue doing productive
work even when off network.

(4) The ability to work simultaneously on multiple branches.

(5) Situational awareness - reporting tools that quickly and clearly
show the status and history of the project.

(6) Continuity - no single point of failure - all project history is
preserved redundantly in geographically distributed locations.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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