On 15/12/2015 09:55, Stephan Beal wrote:

Here's an encouraging anecdote for you: my first C work after 1995[1]
was implementing the wiki CLI commands Richard mentioned :). i concur
that the wiki commands would be the best starting point for adding Tech
Note (formerly "event") CLI support.

It has indeed proved quite straightforward! Since I have done enough for a prototype, I'd like to get feedback on my proposed CLI change for technotes before I discard the prototype and redo it into something I'd be prepared send in as a patch:

Usage: ../fossil wiki (export|create|commit|list) WikiName

Run various subcommands to work with wiki entries or tech notes.

    ../fossil wiki export ?PAGENAME? ?FILE? [-t|-technote DATETIME ]

       Sends the latest version of either the PAGENAME wiki
       entry or the DATETIME tech note to the given file or
       standard output. One of PAGENAME or DATETIME must be specified.

    ../fossil wiki (create|commit) PAGENAME ?FILE? ?OPTIONS?

       Create a new or commit changes to an existing wiki page or
       technote from FILE or from standard input.

         -M|-mimetype TEXT-FORMAT   The mime type of the update
                                    defaulting to the type used by the
                                    previous version of the page or (for
                                    new pages) text/x-fossil-wiki.
         -t|-technote DATETIME      Specifies the timestamp of the
                                    technote to be created or updated.
         -technote-tags TAGS        The set of tags for a technote.
         -technote-bgcolor COLOR    The color used for the tehnote on
                                    the timeline.

    ../fossil wiki list ?-technote?
    ../fossil wiki ls ?-technote?

       Lists all wiki entries, one per line, ordered
       case-insensitively by name. The -technote flag
       specifies that technotes will be listed instead of
       the wiki entries, which will be listed in order

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