On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 4:38 AM, David Vines <d...@zombi.eclipse.co.uk>

Run various subcommands to work with wiki entries or tech notes.
>        Options:
>          -M|-mimetype TEXT-FORMAT   The mime type of the update
>                                     defaulting to the type used by the
>                                     previous version of the page or (for
>                                     new pages) text/x-fossil-wiki.
>          -t|-technote DATETIME      Specifies the timestamp of the
>                                     technote to be created or updated.
>          -technote-tags TAGS        The set of tags for a technote.
>          -technote-bgcolor COLOR    The color used for the tehnote on
>                                     the timeline.

Minor issue: While Fossil is inconsistent with this, the common convention
for "long options" is

with 2 dashes. I haven't used the "-mimetype" option so I don't know if
it's a documentation error
or implementation oversight. In other Fossil commands the double dash,
"--", is accepted.

If there are no objections, I would suggest supporting both "--" and "-"
for the long options. (and
updating the documentation)

Otherwise, looks very good. Thanks.
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