Thus said Paul Higham on Wed, 23 Dec 2015 10:11:03 -0800:

> Having upgraded to  Fossil release 1.34 the customizations  to the css
> that I had made  have disappeared and I cannot find a  way to edit the
> new css. Is this no longer possible?  Is there a way to modify the css
> for some elements?

There  were  a  lot  of  changes   made  to  how  CSS  customization  is
handled. It's likely  (and unfortunate) that these changes  wipe out (or
ignore)  existing CSS  customization that  had been  made using  the old
header/footer/css mechanisms. I too ran into  this and had to spend some
time figuring out how to recover them.

It may be possible  that your orginal CSS is still  intact in the config
table in your repositories.

echo SELECT value FROM config WHERE name = "'css';" | fossil sql -R /repo.fossil

The header and footer are also there if you need them.

It  should  still  be  possible  to  customize  under  Admin->Skins  (or
/setup_skin via UI)

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